Here is a file that contains all the FM transmitters in the FCC database converted to Google Earth format. It will let you visualize the location of all the transmitters relative to your home and you can even learn a few things about them by clicking on their icon.
Content Details - FCC data extracted on 12/1/2010 - 17,472 total records - Each icon is set to the elevation specified in the FCC database for 3D viewing - Pop-up balloons show details about each transmitter including
- Broadcast channel number - Transmitter power (ERP) - Transmitter height (AGL and AMSL) - A link to the FCC query web site for full details
The file can be downloaded here Requirements - Google Earth 4.0 or later (free download from here) - A very good 3D graphics card - Lots of RAM - A fast internet connection
CommentsThe FCC database is known to contain various errors including simple typos, outdated entries, future entries (license grants that haven't been built yet), erroneous technical details, a few missing entries, and some superfluous entries. Since this is essentially a capture of the FCC database, most of the same errors will show up here. Despite the limitations of the source data, I believe this data set to be better than 95% accurate. If you know of any specific errors that should be corrected, please let me know so that future releases will contain the fix. Setting the terrain exaggeration to 3 (max) in the Google Earth options makes it a lot easier to see the more subtle terrain variations. Just note that this also exaggerates the transmitter heights, so the exaggeration should be set back to 1 if you want the transmitter heights to have the correct relative altitude appearance. There are a LOT of icons to display in this file. Trying to display all the transmitters on screen at one time can really slow down some computers and graphics cards. It might help to turn off the transmitter display first, zoom into an area of interest, and then turn the transmitter display back on. The icons can be turned on/off via the check box next to the desired sub-folder.
Change Log1-Dec-2010 - Updated to latest snapshot of FCC database 29-Aug-2010 - Updated to latest snapshot of FCC database 22-Dec-2009 - Updated to latest snapshot of FCC database 5-Oct-2009 - Updated to latest snapshot of FCC database 1-Aug-2009 - Updated to latest snapshot of FCC database 9-Feb-2009 - Updated to latest snapshot of FCC database 6-Sep-2008 - Updated to latest snapshot of FCC database 25-Jul-2008 - Removed extraneous icons representing transmitters with zero power - Updated to latest snapshot of FCC database 29-Jun-2008 - Fixed loading of "auxilliary" transmitter facilities - Updated to latest snapshot of FCC database 2-May-2008 - Initial release of database - Updated to latest snapshot of FCC database